When I was a girl, I would stay with my Grandma
over the summertime. Her Sunday night ritual was to set her yeast "sponge" just
before going to bed. In the morning when she got up, she would proceed with the
sponge as her starter and would make 10 loaves of bread.
She would put about a cup or so (I don't know if she measured and this is a more-than-40-year-old memory) of warm water to her huge wooden bowl, then sprinkle one packet of yeast over it. Once it was softened, she whisked it into the water, then added about a quarter cup of sugar and enough flour to make a thin slurry. A tea towel covered it and the whole went into her gas oven, which was only warmed by a pilot light.
Grandma was a single mom during the Great Depression and learned to live very, very frugally. I sure wish I'd been smart enough to take notes and ask a LOT more questions than I did. At any rate, I am now going off my memory to try to duplicate what she did.
She would put about a cup or so (I don't know if she measured and this is a more-than-40-year-old memory) of warm water to her huge wooden bowl, then sprinkle one packet of yeast over it. Once it was softened, she whisked it into the water, then added about a quarter cup of sugar and enough flour to make a thin slurry. A tea towel covered it and the whole went into her gas oven, which was only warmed by a pilot light.
Grandma was a single mom during the Great Depression and learned to live very, very frugally. I sure wish I'd been smart enough to take notes and ask a LOT more questions than I did. At any rate, I am now going off my memory to try to duplicate what she did.
The first batch I made only slightly more than
doubled a usual 2-loaf bread recipe, so not much of a “success” toward trying
to truly re-create her recipe, but it was a good learning experiment.
I began the second batch on
November 22nd, taking pictures of the steps along the way, and
actually measuring out the ingredients so that I could share it all here. I finally baked the last of the dough 19
days later for dinner, keeping the dough in my spare refrigerator. That fridge rarely gets opened – maybe 3
times a week – so the temperatures in it are very stable, and I’m sure that had
something to do with the longevity of the dough.
Grandma’s Yeast Sponge
Bread Dough Recipe
2 cups hot tap water
1 packet active dry yeast
OR 1 Tbsp bulk active dry yeast
¼ cup sugar
2 cups flour
Next day ingredients:
3 cups milk
1/2 cup butter
1/2 cup sugar
1 Tbsp salt
3 large eggs
4 cups flour
To make half into bread products:
Additional 2-3 cups flour
Because our house is quite
cool in the late fall/early winter, I use my oven as a “proofing” box. I preheat it to 170* F (the lowest temp it
will go), then turn it off while I am prepping my sponge. I use hot tap water to pre-warm my largest
metal bowl and then put measured hot tap water into the bowl. Sprinkle yeast over the water and allow it
to soften and absorb water. This is an
important step in the process. If you
just whisk the dry yeast into water, there will be globs and pockets of dry
yeast clumps. As Alton Brown would say,
“Not good eats!”
When the yeast has
softened, whisk in some sugar and flour and then cover with plastic film and place in turned off oven and shut the door. Leave at least 8 hours or overnight. This time allows the yeast to multiply enough to make several
loaves of bread.
Stir sponge and liquid together into a homogeneous batter.
Milk is the next ingredient
to be considered. If using raw milk, it
must be scalded:
“In bread
making, scalding the milk serves a more scientific purpose. The whey
protein in
milk can weaken gluten and prevent the dough from rising properly.
Scalding the
milk deactivates the protein so this doesn't happen.” (Reference:
I would
also scald if using low-temp pasteurized milk, as it takes approximately 180*F to break down
the proteins. Most modern day
pasteurized/homogenized milk is heated to high temps at the same time as homogenizing, heating
and aerosolizing it in one step, so those proteins have been destroyed. If using such milk, simply warming it is
To scald milk, heat to
180*F, then allow to cool to no more than 115-120*F. Any hotter than that can kill the yeast.
I add the butter for the recipe to the milk to help it cool down more
I temper the warm milk with
some of the sponge batter, as is done for egg custards. I sure don’t want to overheat my carefully
multiplied yeasts and kill any of them off!
I then add more sugar, some
salt (for flavor and to keep the yeast from overgrowth), and three eggs (amounts listed in the "Next day ingredients). I like the body and color that eggs add to
I then stir in the
milk/butter liquid alternating with flour.
The alternation of the additions makes it easier to manage the dough
without getting lumps. The dough/batter
will end up in a consistency like pancake batter – just right.
Because my largest SS bowls
would be rapidly over-run once this amount of dough starts rising, I divide it
in half into both of my biggest bowls.
It then is covered with plastic wrap and goes back into the oven to rest
and replicate the yeast some more.
Anywhere from 2 hours and up is just fine, as this method is SO
forgiving. I was gone 4 hours that day.
When first poured into the bowls:
And four hours later:
Stir down bubbles and
re-cover one of the bowls with plastic wrap.
From this point, I added flour ¼ cup at a time until the dough was no
longer sticky, occasionally stopping the mixer to scrape down the sides of the
bowl. It took a total of about 2 1/2 cups of flour to achieve a good texture. I then allowed the mixer to knead the dough another 5 minutes or so.
Repeat above steps with
other half of batter from the uncovered bowl, but add the dough ball to the
buttered bowl holding the previous dough ball, rather than dirtying another
bowl. Allow dough to rest approximately
one hour.
At this point, the dough is
ready to be used as you would any other bread dough. On that day, I used one half of the finished dough to make a loaf
of bread and the other half to make caramel rolls.
While waiting for the
finished dough to rise, turn your attention to the rest of the sponge. Sit in ½ cup of flour at a time until the
dough pulls from the sides of the bowl, but is still very sticky. Brush melted butter in a clean bowl and turn
the sticky dough into the clean bowl. Brush
the top of the dough with butter, making sure to coat all exposed surfaces,
then cover the bowl with plastic film.
Refrigerate for later use.
My next post will include
my recipe for caramel rolls and further reporting on what I did with the other
half of the dough. While I did not
fully re-create my grandmother’s efficiency of making 10 loaves of bread from
one packet of yeast, I am very pleased with my results.